This coming Sunday, May 6 2012, Greece is to hold sudden elections. This is the result of the fiscal degradation of Greece since the late months of 2009, when Greece emerged as a country with fiscal viability concerns.

The fiscal crisis in Greece gave rise to the sudden limitation of its national GDP and per person GDP per capita. Led to the inability of Greece’s banks to loan or get loans, to pay debts. While national economy sank to junk according to fiscal consulting firms, Greece’s deficit sky rocketed due to statistical mis-leads or fake numbers according to political party leaders on the national deficit and expenditures, or while previous governments allowing the national deficit to rise and public over-expenditure, as Greece is 80% ran through public support and employment.

Banks became to fiscal pressures and to possible sale outs, while not holding enough capital to lend small or medium size companies and or people and new families. Rising living costs and rising taxation led the government to publicly report its ineffectiveness and the former Prime Minister of Greece to decide that the best solution to save Greece from stagnation, was to request support from the IMF and the European Union.

While in 2012, the loaning procedure and funds are still on their way through installments, Greece as a country today owes more money that previously. Yet there is some capital that is now guaranteeing the short-term survival of the state and financial institutions.

However, demographics show that Greece is a. limited to 11 million people with negative signs of birth rates b. no major production or heavy industry, c. while people are leaving or have already took their legal savings out of the state, c. while its population is shrinking as it is also an aging population.

All this renders Greece more vulnerable in a. paying back all its debt b.rebuilding its economy c. re-inventing business d. building a new more open society in a positive and effective way, a model that will produce surplus to the state, to the society, to the community and to the family.

Life in Greece is ‘unbearable’ some say. Living natural conditions are perfect, yet the introduction of a multiplicity of taxes are not really effective.

Population: especially the young population that is massively internally migrating in the EU or immigrating elsewhere for a better future. This leads to an early conclusion that soon we shall see migration numbers as was the case in the 40s, 50s and 60s.

Leading political parties are called by some a ‘destructive force’. “These are the parties to be blamed”. Yet, these are the parties that know how to negotiate and how to protects the national interests more than others, as by now they hold government experience, some others say.

The inequalities created and the conflicts of interest between party politics and the request for direct representation will lead small political parties to emerge. Other representative ones already in parliament, are expected to increase their numbers.

Greece has by this day 23 officially created by national law parties from which up to 10 parties may be joining the parliament due to: a. the votes of people and b. the percentage of the new electoral vote.

What is expected to happen:
1. Leading parties are expected to create a coalition to create a government.

2. at the same time, small parties will attempt coalition between them (left&right)

3. Leading parties will attempt coalition with specific smaller parties in case they do not hold 151 electorates.

4. Extreme right and left will be possibly be represented in the final new parliament giving rise in the long-term to historical disputes of the past.

Overall outcome:
Any possibility of a coalition government will be delayed rendering Greece even more vulnerable and uncontrolled.

Possibly Mr. Papademos may be asked to remain as PM.

Any new government will have to face uncertainties which will lead to new elections.

This article has been published by Dr.Efthymiopoulos on CNN iReport (